Even during the weekends I’m thinking about work. There is a constant battle in my head over whether I have the ability to hang at my job. It’s so easy that I fall into this counter productive thought of not being good enough. I keep thinking about “what if I get fired?” It’s a plaguing and paralyzing thought that isn’t from the Lord.
However, while on Facebook I came across this post. It seems like God is continuing to encourage me through people and through small things like posts I see on Facebook. Also, while at the Gathering church in San Diego, my friend Sandra told me about her experience working at her job where she had challenging co-workers. She said that God has me there for a reason just like everyone else. It’s encouraging hearing these things along the way.
My mind wants me to run from a challenge and run towards my comfort zone but where I’ve grown the most in my life is pressing through my comfort zone. When I was building my network marketing business at a young age, public speaking was
I believe the same with this job. It’s scary but if I press through, regardless of the outcome, I’ll grow. It brings me back to my high school days when I quit volleyball my sophomore year because I was afraid of playing with the varsity team. I was the JV captain and they moved me to varsity right away because the coach felt I was good enough. In my head, I didn’t see it so I quit before I could fail. That haunts me still to this day. This reminder, helps me stick to what I’m doing regardless of the potential of failure.